Covid-crisis changes in the field of transport and logistics system of Primory

  • E.V. Astakhova. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia

  • M.D. Martynyuk

    M.D. Martynyuk. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia

  • J.E. Ilinykh

    J.E. Ilinykh. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Vladivostok. Russia


Current economic development trends during an unexpected global critical situation caused by a coronacrisis and entailed an economic crisis indicate that there is an accelerated global deglobolization, a comprehensive transformation of the world community and the economic
environment. The increasing complexity of production and social structures and relations within the country's economy, characteristic of modern society, highlights the issue of regionalization of the economy, expanding the development of the transport and logistics system,
which undoubtedly confirms the relevance and significance of the research topic and the issues under consideration. The article considers the transport and logistics system of the Primorsky territory and its role in the development of the foreign economy of the region. The
purpose of the study is to analyze the development of the transport and logistics sector of the Primorsky territory in modern conditions. The novelty of the article is to systematize the directions of adaptation of the transport and logistics system of Primorye to new socioeconomic
consequences. The object is the transport and logistics system, the subject is the state and development trends of the Primorsky territory transport complex using the example of the FESCO Transport Group. The author considers and systematizes ideas about the
development trends of the transport and logistics structure of the region. The article describes the specifics of the work of the transport and logistics sector in the framework of the functioning of the Primorsky territory. The uniqueness of the border economic and geographical
position of Primorye, which is due to its location at the junction of the largest countries in the world, is analyzed, and at the same time, the article touches on the problems of the underdeveloped transport and logistics sector of the Primorsky Territory and its impact
on the foreign economic activity of the region. Some directions of possible adaptation to new socio-economic conditions are considered. In addition, prospects for the development of this industry are determined on the basis of an analysis of the financial and economic activities of
the FESCO Transport Group.
Keywords: transport, logistics, foreign economic activity, Primorsky region, FESCO.